The Auction Guide

Sima, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Joseph Si...

Joseph Sima is a 20th-century Czech artist whose paintings and drawings are highly prized and sought-after at auction. Estimated in 24h.

Léonard Foujita, drawing
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings, drawings and sculptures by Leonardo...

Léonard Foujita is a Japanese artist of the Paris School who produced drawings and oils on canvas that are appreciated and sought-after at auction.

Lapchine, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Georges L...

Georges Lapchine is a twentieth-century Russian painter who produced Russian Impressionist canvases that were highly successful at auction.

Chmaroff, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Pavel Chm...

Pavel Chmaroff is a twentieth-century Russian painter who produced works that are highly rated and sought-after on the auction market. Estimated in 24h.

Michel Kikoine, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings, drawings, lithographs by Miche...

Michel Kikoine is a Russian painter of the École de Paris who has produced works that are successful and highly valued at auction.

François Monnet, glass and steel coffee table
20th-century artists

Rating and value of furniture, armchairs, coffee tables from Fran...

François Monnet is a twentieth-century French architect and designer whose furniture has become increasingly popular and valuable at auction.

Gustave Jean Jaquet, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Gustave J...

Gustave Jacquet is a highly regarded painter of portraits and genre scenes, whose works have a certain value at auction.

Carrier Belleuse, Reading lamp, bronze
Nineteenth-century artists

Cote et valeur des sculptures, bronzes, marbres, de Albert-E...

Carrier-Belleuse was a 19th-century painter and sculptor who produced bronzes and marbles that are valued at auction.

Alfred Philippe Roll, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Alfred Ro...

Alfred Roll was a 19th-century realist painter who produced drawings and oils on canvas that are valued at auction.

Robert Indiana, silkscreen
20th-century artists

Rating and value of lithographs, serigraphs, prints...

Robert Indiana is a contemporary American Pop Art artist who has produced a number of highly-rated works of art that are valued at auction.

Pierre Traverse, gilded bronze sculpture
20th-century artists

Rating and value of statues, bronzes and marbles by Pierre Trave...

Pierre Travers is a 20th-century sculptor who has produced works in marble and bronze that are sought-after and quoted on the auction market.

Nicolas de Staël, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of drawings, lithographs and prints by Nicol...

Nicolas de Staël is a Franco-Russian painter who has produced works including drawings and prints that are highly prized and sought-after at auction.

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