The Auction Guide

Calder, mobile, detail
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings, jewelry, mobiles by Alexander Ca...

Alexander Calder was an American artist of the 20th century who was part of the cinematic movement and produced highly-acclaimed works.

Georges Hyon, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Georges H...

Georges Hyon was a 19th-century painter of military scenes who produced works that are highly rated and have a high value at auction.

Rokotov, oil on canvas, detail
Eighteenth-century artists

Rating and value of paintings, portraits, paintings by Feodor...

Feodor Rokotov is a Russian portrait painter who has produced works that are highly valued at auction. Estimate in 24h

Orthodox icon
Types of objects to be appraised

Cote et valeur des icônes, peintures de dévotion orthodoxes...

Orthodox devotional icons are objects that have been produced for a long time and in all eras. They are valuable, and their value is increasing.

Sima, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Joseph Si...

Joseph Sima is a 20th-century Czech artist whose paintings and drawings are highly prized and sought-after at auction. Estimated in 24h.

Léonard Foujita, drawing
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings, drawings and sculptures by Leonardo...

Léonard Foujita is a Japanese artist of the Paris School who produced drawings and oils on canvas that are appreciated and sought-after at auction.

Lapchine, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Georges L...

Georges Lapchine is a twentieth-century Russian painter who produced Russian Impressionist canvases that were highly successful at auction.

Chmaroff, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Pavel Chm...

Pavel Chmaroff is a twentieth-century Russian painter who produced works that are highly rated and sought-after on the auction market. Estimated in 24h.

Michel Kikoine, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings, drawings, lithographs by Miche...

Michel Kikoine is a Russian painter of the École de Paris who has produced works that are successful and highly valued at auction.

François Monnet, glass and steel coffee table
20th-century artists

Rating and value of furniture, armchairs, coffee tables from Fran...

François Monnet is a twentieth-century French architect and designer whose furniture has become increasingly popular and valuable at auction.

Gustave Jean Jaquet, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Gustave J...

Gustave Jacquet is a highly regarded painter of portraits and genre scenes, whose works have a certain value at auction.

Carrier Belleuse, Reading lamp, bronze
Nineteenth-century artists

Cote et valeur des sculptures, bronzes, marbres, de Albert-E...

Carrier-Belleuse was a 19th-century painter and sculptor who produced bronzes and marbles that are valued at auction.

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