The Auction Guide

Maurice Estève
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings and paintings by Maurice Es...

Maurice Estève was a painter and draughtsman of the New Paris School who produced many valuable drawings and lithographs.

20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Michel Kik...

Michel Kikoine is an expressionist painter of the Paris School who produced sought-after and valuable drawings and oils on canvas.

Marie Vassilieff
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Marie Vass...

Marie Vassilief is a 20th-century Cubist artist who produced drawings, collages and oils on canvas that are valued at auction.

Charles Angrand, drawing
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Charles An...

Charles Angrand was a neo-realist and symbolist painter of the 19th century who produced drawings and paintings with a high market value.

Anne Vallayer-Coster, oil on canvas
Eighteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Anne Valla...

Anne Volleyer-Coster was an 18th-century painter, famous for her still-life paintings of flowers, which were very popular at auction.

Alfred Reth, collage
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, collages, paintings by Alfred Re...

Alfred Reth was an Austro-Hungarian painter of the École de Paris. His collages, paintings and drawings are sought-after at auction.

C Von Heyl
Artists of the 21st century

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Charline V...

Charline Von Heyl is a 21st-century German contemporary artist whose drawings and oil paintings are sought-after at auction.

Guillaume Fouace, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Guillaume...

Guillaume Fouace was a 19th-century realist painter, best known for his still lifes. His paintings are successful at auction.

Jules Pascin, bronze sculpture
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, sculptures by Jules Pas...

Jules Pascin was a Bulgarian artist, painter and sculptor of the 20th century, who produced drawings, paintings and sculptures listed at auction.

Etienne Dinet
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Étienne Di...

Étienne Dinet was an Orientalist painter of the early 20th century who produced many oil on canvas paintings listed at auction. Estimated in 24h.

Czaky, bronze
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, sculptures by Joseph Cz...

Joseph Czaky is a twentieth-century Cubist sculptor who produced numerous works that are sought-after and collected on the art market.

Louise Desnos, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings by Louise Adelaïde Des...

Louise Adelaïde Desnos is a 19th-century painter who produced oil paintings that are both valuable and stable.

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