The Auction Guide

Richard Parkes Bonington, watercolor
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of paintings and drawings by Richard P...

Richard Parkes Bonington was a 19th-century marine painter. His works are quoted on the auction market, and their value is high.

Aimé Morot, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings by Aimé Morot

Aimé Morot was a 19th-century painter and sculptor, who mainly produced portraits. His price is quite high at auction, and stable.

Magritte, Memory, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings and drawings by René Magri...

René Magritte is a twentieth-century surrealist painter and draughtsman with a sandy reputation on the auction market.

Odilon Redon, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings, engravings by Odilon Redo...

Odilon Redon is a 19th-century painter and engraver, a leading exponent of the Symbolist movement. His works are quoted and appreciated at auction.

Allegory of the Concordat, unknown, oil on canvas
Types of objects to be appraised

Rating and value of First Empire paintings

Antique paintings from the First Empire are often presented at auction, and are very successful. Their value is stable and high.

Max Ernst, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings, sculptures by Max Ern...

Max Ernst is a 20th-century Surrealist painter who produced many highly-regarded paintings and sculptures, which have a high value at auction.

Gustave Courbet, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings by Gustave Courbet

Gustave Courbet was a 19th-century painter and leader of the realist movement. He painted many canvases of high value.

Van Gogh, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings and drawings by Vincent Va...

Vincent Van Gogh is a Dutch painter of the twentieth century, highly appreciated and quoted at auction. His works are very valuable. Estimate in 24h

Honoré Daumier, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings, sculptures by...

Honoré Daumier was a 19th-century painter and cartoonist. He produced many works of great value.

Degas, The Dancers, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings, sculptures by Edgar De...

Edgar Degas was a 19th-century painter, sculptor and draughtsman. His works are highly valued at auction. Estimates in 24h.

Cézanne, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, paintings, drawings by Paul Cézan...

Paul Cézanne was an Impressionist painter and precursor of contemporary art. He produced many highly-regarded and valuable drawings and paintings

Camille Claudel, bronze print with brown patina
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, sculptures by Camille Claudel

Camille Claudel is a 20th-century artist who mainly created bronze sculptures. Her works are highly valued and quoted.

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