Rating and value of works, posters, paintings by Alphonse Mucha

Mucha poster

If you own a work of art by or after Alphonse Mucha, and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers will offer you their appraisal services. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its current market value. Then, if you wish to sell your work, we will guide you towards the best possible arrangement to obtain the optimum price.

Rating and value of the artist Alphonse Mucha    

Mucha was a member of the Art Nouveau group. His legacy includes sculptures in various materials, paintings and drawings. Today, prices for his works are skyrocketing under auctioneers' gavels. His paintings are particularly prized by French and American buyers, and the price at which they sell on the art market ranges from €10 to €1,053,650, a considerable delta but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to Mucha's works. In 2021, a painting, Jeune couple de Rusalda, sold for €707,950, whereas its estimate was €88,500 to €177,000. The artist's value is high and varies according to the number of works on the auction market.

Order of value from a simple work to the most prestigious

Technique used



From €60 to €4,080


From €10 to €147,410

Drawing - watercolor

From €100 to €189,730

Sculpture - volume

From €75 to €724,656


From €1,140 to €1,053,650

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Alphonse Mucha's style and technique     

Alphonse Mucha was part of the Art Nouveau movement. He was a versatile painter, photographer, decorator, engraver, illustrator, sculptor and graphic designer. He produced a substantial body of work.

Alphonse Mucha, photography

Alphonse Mucha, central figure of Art Nouveau   

Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) was a 19th-century French painter and artist, known for his immense contribution to the Art Nouveau movement.

He was born in Czechoslovakia, and his talent for singing enabled him to study in Brno, where he was already drawing. There he met the last master of Baroque sacral painting. He returned to his hometown, where his father placed him as a court clerk, but he wanted to pursue an artistic career. He was rejected from the Prague School of Fine Arts. So he moved to Vienna to work on theater sets, while continuing his artistic training. He became a pupil of Hans Makart, and produced sets for the theater. In 1887, he moved to Paris, where he took courses at the Académie Julian and the Académie Colarossi. There he met Paul Sérusier. He was employed by the Armand Colin publishing house, which recognized his talent as an illustrator. He then produced advertising posters for the Théâtre de la Renaissance, and was hired by Sarah Bernhardt. His posters for Lorenzaccio and Hamlet were particularly successful.

He met Symbolist artists who would influence his work. He painted and sculpted, but continued his work as a decorator, designing the Fouquet jewelry store on Rue Royale, among other projects. Throughout his career, he traveled throughout Europe and the United States, exhibiting his work and promoting it. He ended his career in Prague, where he was asked to design banknotes and stamps. In 1939, he was arrested by the Gestapo, who released him on grounds of ill health. He died of pneumonia, and his body was thrown into a mass grave. Today, a plaque is dedicated to him in Prague's Great Men's Cemetery.

Alphonse Mucha, poster for Sarah Bernhardt

Mucha's legacy   

Alphonse Mucha left behind an artistic legacy marked by his mastery of the human form and his ability to represent the Art Nouveau movement throughout his work. His works continue to be admired for their dynamism and emotional power, and he is considered one of the most important artists of twentieth-century France. Works for major buildings were central to his career.

Private collectors play a major role in the preservation of his work, given the scope of his production, even if some of his works are exhibited in museums.

Recognizing Mucha's signature  

Artists do not always sign their works. If you think you own one, it's best to have it appraised. The signature may differ depending on the type of work: sculpture, drawing or painting. There are also copies, which is why an appraisal is important.

Alphonse Mucha's signature

Knowing the value of a work

If you happen to own a work by or after Alphonse Mucha, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal using the form on our website. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you promptly to provide you with an estimate of the market value of your work, as well as any relevant information about it. If you're thinking of selling your work, our specialists will also be on hand to offer you alternatives for selling it at the best possible price, taking into account market trends.

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