Rating and value 2024 of Pierre de Clausade's paintings
If you own a work by the artist Pierre de Clausade, or one based on his work, and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers can advise you. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its value on the current market. Then, if you wish to sell your work of art, we will guide you towards the best possible means of obtaining the best possible price.
Artist's rating and value
Thanks to their serene, luminous atmosphere, Pierre de Clausade's works are very popular with collectors. On the market, his various realistic compositions are successful at auction. His works sell for between €30 and €4,900, a significant delta but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to these canvases. Some of the artist's works, for example, have fetched unprecedented sums, as demonstrated by his painting Fleur de peau, which sold for €4,900 in 2008, whereas it was estimated at €1,290 to €1,930.
Order of value from the most basic to the most prestigious
Technique used | Results |
Paint | From €30 to €4,900 |
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The artist's works and style
Pierre de Clausade was active mainly in the Loire Valley and Brittany during the 20th century, and was close to Impressionism. He painted mainly landscape scenes, with a particular focus on the sky and the representation of light.
He does little printmaking, producing mainly drawings and oils on canvas.
The life of Pierre de Clausade
Pierre de Clausade (1910-1976) was a French realist painter.
The artist painted almost exclusively landscapes. He did produce a few religious paintings, but these constitute only a small part of his oeuvre.
His compositions are extremely precise and faithful to the landscapes he depicts, hence the clear proximity to realism. Pierre de Clausade worked extensively in the Loire Valley, depicting the river in many of his compositions. It's likely that he spent a lot of time in Brittany, a region he often depicted in his seascapes.
Pierre de Clausade's imprint on his period
Pierre de Clausade did not mark his period on a regional scale, and was not extremely well known during his lifetime. However, some collectors appreciate his work, and the majority of his canvases are privately owned. His value on today's auction market is rising.
His signature
Not all Pierre de Clausade's works are signed.
Although there are variations, here is a first example of its signature:
Appraising your property
If you own a work by Pierre de Clausade, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal by filling in our online form. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you to provide an estimate of the market value of your work.
If you are considering selling your work, our specialists will also guide you through the various alternatives available to obtain the best possible price, taking into account market trends and the specific features of each work.
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