Rating and value of works, drawings, paintings by Pierre-Antoine Demachy

Demachy, oil on canvas

If you own a work by or about the artist Pierre Antoine Demachy, and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers will offer you their appraisal services. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its current market value. Then, if you wish to sell your work, we'll guide you towards the best possible arrangement to obtain the optimum price.

Rating and value of the artist Pierre Antoine Demachy

Pierre Antoine Demachy was a painter active in the second half of the 18th century, renowned for his Hubert Robert-style paintings of ruins and views of Paris. His paintings, watercolor drawings and prints sell on the art market for between €200 and €416,915, a substantial delta but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to the artist's works. In 2023, a painting of print sellers in the Louvre sold for €52,000.

Order of value from a simple work to the most prestigious

Technique used


Print - multiple

800 to €3,000

Drawing - watercolor

From €150 to €34,880

Oil painting

From €539 to €416,915

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Artist's style and technique

Demachy created paintings of ruins, giving them a picturesque, antique aspect, where nature reclaims its rights. He also created life-size trompe-l'œil paintings, rivaling the master illusionists of the 17th century. Finally, he depicted the everyday life of the streets of Paris. He painted almost documentary-style, with great delicacy, washerwomen hanging out their washing on the quays of Paris. It was quite unprecedented at the time to dwell on women's work. There are also peasants and cows quenching their thirst, and workers unloading cargo from ships docked on the shore.

Demachy, oil on canvas

The life of Pierre Antoine Demachy

The son of a carpenter, Pierre-Antoine Demachy began his artistic apprenticeship in 1754 with Giovanni Niccolo Servandoni, one of the most famous Italian scenographers of the 18th century. In 1955, the prestigious Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture recognized him as an architectural painter, and from 1757 to 1802, he had the privilege of exhibiting his work at the Salon, a venue renowned for launching the careers of novice artists. In 1768, Demachy entered the service of Catherine II of Russia, painting for her, again in an architectural register. The following year, he turned to teaching, revealing his style and technique, which delighted the public, at the Jean-François Amand studio.

Demachy's imprint on his era

For Louis XV's inauguration of the Eglise sainte-Geneviève in 1764, Demachy created an impressive trompe-l'œil painting illustrating the façade of the church. As a result of this remarkable work, he was awarded the title of architectural painter for the king's theater sets. In 1767, Demachy collaborated with the famous Pierre Constant d'Ivry, who was working on the construction of a staircase at the Palais-Royal, painting pictures of the palace. He began to rub shoulders with the greatest artists of his time.

Recognizing the artist's signature

Demachy signs his name discreetly at the bottom of his works.

Knowing the value of a work  

If you happen to own a Pierre-Antoine Demachy work, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal using the form on our website. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you promptly with an estimate of the value of your work, as well as any relevant information you may require. If you're thinking of selling your work, our specialists will also be on hand to help you find alternative ways of selling it at the best possible price.

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