Sylvie Collignon, expert in prints, etchings and engravings

Rembrandt Van Rijn, engraving

Sylvie Collignon: Your expert in prints

Sylvie Collignon is a renowned expert in the field of prints, combining in-depth training with a wealth of experience.

Working with major auction houses and as an expert before the Paris Court of Appeal, she offers accurate and reliable estimates for prints from all periods, from early etchings to contemporary works.

His skills cover a wide variety of techniques, including lithography, silkscreen and etching, and his knowledge of limited editions makes him a reference for collectors and enthusiasts.

Sylvie Collignon's training and experience

Sylvie Collignon forged her expertise through a solid training in art history, acquired at prestigious institutions such as the École du Louvre.

She then specialized in the field of prints, where she acquired an in-depth knowledge of the works of the greatest printmaking masters such as Rembrandt, Goya and Dürer, as well as an interest in modern and contemporary artists such as Matisse, Picasso and Miró.

Sylvie began her career at Drouot Estimations, before joining renowned galleries in France and abroad. In 2008, she co-founded an appraisal firm dedicated to prints, where she continues to provide her expertise to private collectors and public institutions.

Her interventions at prestigious sales and her participation in specialized symposia have made her an influential voice in the field of prints.

Examples of lots appraised by Sylvie Collignon

Items to be appraised by Sylvie Collignon :

- Early prints (16th to 18th centuries): Works by masters such as Albrecht Dürer, Jacques Callot, and Francisco Goya, including copper engravings, etchings and drypoints. These works are sought-after for their precision and technical mastery.

- Modern prints (19th to 20th centuries): Artists such as Henri de Toulouse-LautrecPablo Picasso, or Marc Chagallrevolutionized engraving and lithography. Modern works are distinguished by their innovative use of color and form.

- Contemporary prints: Artists like Andy Warhol, Keith Haringor Shepard Fairey. Contemporary prints often include works of street art or pop art, which are very popular on today's market.

- Limited editions : Works produced in limited, numbered series, often signed by the artist. Limited edition prints by Warhol or Basquiat are particularly coveted for their exclusivity.

Thanks to her expertise and her network in the world of auction houses and galleries, Sylvie Collignon is able to distinguish original works from copies, certifying their authenticity and providing an accurate estimate. She is also involved in public and private sales, and advises collectors on enriching their artistic heritage. 

Contact Sylvie Collignon for your estimates

Whether you own a Dürer engraving, a Picasso lithograph or a contemporary silkscreen, Sylvie Collignon is the ideal expert to provide you with a professional estimate.

Contact her today to benefit from her advice and expertise. Thanks to her collaboration with the major auction houses, she can guarantee that your prints, whether antique or contemporary, will achieve optimum value.

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