Rating and value of paintings by Edmond Aman-Jean

Aman-Jean, oil on canvas

If you own a work by or based on the work of artist Edmond Aman-Jean and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers can advise you. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its value on the current market. Then, if you wish to sell your work of art, we will guide you towards the best possible means of obtaining the best possible price.

Artist's rating and value

On the auction market, Edmond Aman-Jean's works are uncommon and quite sought-after by collectors. The most sought-after works are oils on canvas, selling on the auction market for between €20 and €39,000 - a substantial delta, but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to the artist's works. For example, a painting by Aman-Jean can fetch millions of euros in the auction room, as demonstrated by his painting Miss Ella Carmichaël, dating from 1905, which sold for €39,000 in 2003, whereas it was estimated at between €10,000 and €15,000.

Order of value from the most basic to the most prestigious

Technique used


Print - multiple

From €20 to €1,340

Oil on canvas

From €270 to €39,000


From €150 to €136,580

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Artist's style and technique

Edmond Aman-Jean is part of the Symbolist movement. He works with drawing and oil on canvas, employing many motifs inspired by spirituality, the occult and sexuality. He often depicts nudes, working with warm nuances and light-dark contrasts.

Edmond Aman-Jean, oil on canvas

Edmond Aman-Jean's career   

Edmond Aman-Jean (1858-1937) was a 19th-century French Symbolist artist.

He studies painting with Henri Lehmann at the Beaux-Arts de Paris, and shares a studio with Georges Seurat. He travels to Italy, where he studies the primitive painters, and carries out collaborative projects with Seurat.

He completes his painting of Symbolist literature, a milieu through which he paints Verlaine's portrait at the Hôpital Broussais. Verlaine dedicated a sonnet to him, Un retour.

He is interested in chromatic theories and divisionism.

A close friend of Albert Besnard, he is not extremely well known, but received a large number of public commissions during his lifetime.

He died in Paris at the age of 77. 

The legacy of Edmond Aman-Jean

Edmond Aman-Jean did not make his mark on his era, and died unknown to the general public, having never really enjoyed success. Some of his works are preserved in museums in France, but private collectors play the greatest role in preserving his work.

His signature

Not all Edmond Aman-Jean's works are signed. If you own a work by the artist, it is advisable to have it appraised.

Signature of Edmond Aman-Jean

Appraising your property

If you happen to own a work by Edmond Aman-Jean, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal using the form on our website. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you promptly to provide you with an estimate of the value of your work, as well as any relevant information about it. If you're thinking of selling your work, our specialists will also help you find alternative ways of selling it at the best possible price.

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