Rating and value of animal sculptures and bronzes by Clovis Edmond Masson

Clovis Edmond Masson, bronze sculpture

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Rating and value of the artist Clovis Edmond Masson     

Considered an important artist of animal sculpture, and a pupil of Barye, Clovis Edmond Masson left behind a unique artistic repertoire, with bronze works occupying a prominent place.

At present, the prices of his works are rising enormously under the auctioneers' hammer. His creations are particularly sought-after, and the price at which they sell on the art market ranges from €70 to €10,000- a considerable difference, but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to Masson's works.

His bronze statue, Gorille terrassant un lion, sold for €10,000, against an estimate of €12,000-15,000.

Order of value from a simple work to the most prestigious

Technique used



From €70 to €450

Gilded bronze

From €100 to €1,000

Drawing - watercolor

From €350 to €1,150


From €100 to €10,000

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Artist's style and technique

Clovis Edmond Masson was a 19th-century artist who produced a number of sculptures from the animal repertoire.

He worked mainly with bronze to sculpt horses and equestrian portraits, but also with porcelain, earthenware - which offers a smooth, clear finish - and gilded bronze.

He follows in the artistic vein of his master, Antoine-Louis Barye, the undisputed figure of 19th-century animal sculpture.

Other sculptors, such as Georges Guyot and Charles Valton, used the same iconographic programs, namely wild beasts and, more broadly, animals.

Clovis Edmond Masson, his life and work

Clovis Edmond Masson (1838-1913) was a renowned French animal sculptor, whose works marked the 19th century with their finesse and precision.

Born in Paris, he showed an early interest in depicting animals. Encouraged by his family, he developed his gift for sculpture, first learning drawing and then modeling under the watchful eye of his father.

Even as a child, his talent came to the fore, especially when he spent hours observing animals in Paris parks. His father, noticing the extent of his artistic skills, encouraged him to pursue this path.

He then joined the studio of Antoine-Louis Barye, one of the masters of animal sculpture at the time. Here, Masson perfected his art, devoting himself entirely to the reproduction of fauna.

At the age of 20, he made his debut at the Salon des artistes français, where he exhibited his first works. His sculptures, mainly of lions and horses, met with great success.

He quickly made a name for himself as one of the most prominent animal sculptors in Paris. This success opened the door to numerous commissions, notably for public monuments, where his works can still be seen today.

At the age of 25, Masson decided to set up his own studio in Paris. He devoted himself to creating bronze pieces, depicting wild animals with striking realism.

Thanks to his numerous exhibitions in France and abroad, notably in London, he acquired an international reputation, and his works became highly prized by collectors.

Renowned for his ability to capture the vitality and elegance of animals, he continued to receive major commissions throughout his career.

Until his death in 1913, Clovis Edmond Masson remained a leading figure in animal sculpture, leaving behind him a legacy of great artistic wealth.

Clovis Edmond Masson, bronze sculpture

Focus on Masson's bronze dog (above)

Clovis Edmond Masson, a leading figure in animal sculpture, excels in realistic depictions of wildlife.

Among his most emblematic works, this finely chiseled dog sculpture testifies to the artist's immense talent for capturing movement and animal expression.

Produced in bronze, it highlights one of the distinctive features of Masson's work: the ability to breathe life and dynamism into subjects frozen in metal.

The dog, here frozen in a posture of waiting or vigilance, is depicted in full movement, one paw raised, as if hesitating to move forward or watch for invisible prey.

The realism of the anatomical details is striking: the prominent muscles, folds of skin and facial expression give the animal an imposing presence.

The texture of the coat is carefully crafted, with every curve and bulge suggesting the dog's suppleness and liveliness. This attention to detail demonstrates Masson's technical mastery, capable of translating the subtlety of animal movements and postures into bronze.

Born in Paris in 1838, Clovis Edmond Masson devoted himself early on to animal sculpture, a genre that allowed him to combine his fascination for nature with his artistic gift.

A pupil of the great Antoine-Louis Barye, Masson trained in a context where the study of the animal world was essential for sculptors of his time.

Under his master's influence, he learned to observe and faithfully transcribe the complexity of animal movements and behaviors, which he depicted with rigorous naturalism.

Although modest in size, this dog sculpture bears witness to the renown Masson acquired throughout his career. The rocky, irregular base evokes a natural environment, reinforcing the impression that the animal is evolving in a wild setting.

This unobtrusive attention to detail contributes to the overall aesthetic of the work, without ever distracting from the main subject: the dog.

The choice of the dog as subject also reveals the important place this animal occupied in the society of the time, where it was both a faithful companion and a symbol of loyalty. Masson captures this duality, between strength and gentleness, in his work.

Bronze, the artist's material of choice, preserves the liveliness of the features while offering a solidity and durability that transcend time.

The bronze's patinated shades add an extra dimension to the sculpture, accentuating volumes and reliefs, while the play of light and shadow highlights the dog's musculature.

Throughout his career, Masson was one of the leading animal sculptors of his time. He regularly exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français, where his works met with great success.

His talent for capturing the nobility and power of animals in natural poses places him among the best of his generation.

Collectors of the time, fascinated by the beauty of his bronze sculptures, snapped up his works, whether they depicted majestic lions, horses or, as here, a simple domestic dog.

This work by Clovis Edmond Masson is thus emblematic of his approach: attention to detail and deep respect for the animal subject, always depicted with great accuracy.

It illustrates not only his mastery of technique, but also his sensitivity to nature and animals, which he considered worthy of a place in the pantheon of artistic representation.

Clovis Edmond Masson's imprint on his period

Clovis Edmond Masson is a well-known artist among animal sculpture enthusiasts, especially in bronze, and is the author of a sizeable artistic output.

Today, most of his works are kept by private collectors, which increases the value and success of his works on the auction market, since even though his output is fairly small, at least once a year there is a work on the market.

His bronze sculptures are particularly prized, as they are absolutely unique pieces that reveal the artist's inspiration and way of working, but his paintings are just as famous and prized, and are constantly breaking records on the auction market.

Recognizing the signature of Clovis Edmond Masson  

It's not always easy to decipher or even to be lucky enough to come across a work signed by Masson, which is why expertise is so important.

What's more, copies may exist.

Signature of Clovis Edmond Masson

Knowing the value of a work

If you happen to own one of Clovis Edmond Masson's works, ask for a free appraisal without delay, using the form on our website.

A member of our team will contact you promptly to provide you with an estimate of the value of your work, as well as any relevant information about it.

If you're thinking of selling your work of art, our specialists will also be on hand to help you find alternative ways of selling it at the best possible price.

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