The Auction Guide

Gervais Leterreux, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Gervais L...

Gervais Leterreux is a 20th-century Impressionist painter who produced paintings and drawings that are valued at auction.

Chana Orloff, bronze dog
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, sculptures, bronzes by Chana Orl...

Chana Orloff is a Ukrainian artist of the Paris School who has produced works that are highly rated and valued on the art market.

Clovis Edmond Masson, bronze sculpture
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of animal sculptures and bronzes by Clovis...

Clovis Edmond Masson, a pupil of Barye, was a 19th-century animal sculptor whose works are now auctioned.

Camille Alaphlippe, bronze sculpture
20th-century artists

Rating and value of works, sculptures and bronzes by Camille A...

Camille Alaphilippe is a French sculptor who produced works in the Art Nouveau movement that are highly regarded and valued.

César, Cartier chicken
20th-century artists

Estimating the value and price of a bronze

Bronzes account for a significant proportion of works on the auction market. For some artists, they are highly prized and very valuable.

Marcel Mouly, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Marcel Mo...

Marcel Mouly is a little-known Fauvist painter whose value is high on the auction market. Free estimate in 24h.

André Barbier, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by André Bar...

André Barbier is a twentieth-century Impressionist painter who produced paintings that are highly valued at auction.

Tobeen, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Félix Bon...

Tobeen is a painter of modern art associated with the Paris School, producing works that are sought-after and quoted on the auction market.

Igor Tcholaria, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of paintings by Igor Tcho...

Igor Tcholaria is a Georgian painter whose paintings and drawings are highly rated on the auction market. Estimate in less than 24h.

Alexandre Iacovleff, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of Russian Orientalist paintings by Alexander...

Alexander Iacovleff was a Russian Orientalist painter who produced numerous paintings that are highly valued at auction.

Constantin Westchiloff, oil on canvas
20th-century artists

Rating and value of Russian paintings by Constantin Westchiloff

Constantin Westchiloff is a Russian Impressionist painter who produced paintings that are sought after by collectors and are increasing in value.

Adlof Baumgartner Stoiloff, oil on canvas
Nineteenth-century artists

Rating and value of Russian paintings by Adolf Baumgartner Stoi...

Adolf Baumgartner Stoiloff is a Russian military painter who has produced works that are sought after by collectors, with a high value.

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