The auctioneer's central role in guardianship proceedings


Guardianship systems exist to look after the interests of the most vulnerable members of our society, often protected adults. The role of the auctioneer, in close collaboration with the mandataires judiciaires à la protection des majeurs, is crucial in ensuring the transparency, reliability and fairness of these arrangements. In this article, we take an in-depth look at this partnership and why it is crucial to the successful execution of a guardianship.

What is guardianship? Why does it exist? Why is it important?

Guardianship is a legal measure designed to protect and represent an adult whose mental or physical faculties are impaired. This measure exists to ensure that the interests of the vulnerable person are taken into account, whether in terms of managing his or her assets or personal needs. The aim is to maintain the person's autonomy as far as possible, while protecting them from abuse or bad decisions.

What is a mandatary dedicated to the protection of adults? What are their missions?

A mandataire judiciaire à la protection des majeurs is a person or entity appointed by the judge to manage the day-to-day affairs of a protected adult. This generally involves making decisions relating to the health, well-being and finances of the protected adult. The mandatary may also be responsible for drawing up a budget, managing income and expenses, and ensuring that all legal obligations are met.

What is the role of the auctioneer in a guardianship?

The auctioneer is generally involved in the inventory and valuation phase of the protected adult's assets. This professional works in partnership with the legal representatives to ensure that the assets are valued fairly and accurately. The auctioneer can also organize auctions for the liquidation of certain assets, always ensuring that the best possible price is obtained.

How can his neutral expertise and human qualities guarantee the proper execution of the guardianship?

The auctioneer's expertise and neutrality are essential to ensure that the inventory and liquidation of assets is carried out fairly and transparently. His human qualities, such as empathy and thoroughness, help establish a relationship of trust with all parties involved, which is crucial to the well-being of the protected adult.

How much does an inventory cost?

The cost of a guardianship inventory can vary according to a number of factors, including the complexity of the inventory and the value of the assets involved. It is therefore advisable to request a precise estimate from a certified auctioneer to get a clear idea of the associated costs.

At Auctie's, a licensed auctioneer, guardianship inventories start at €420. Any travel expenses and the complexity of the inventory are likely to increase this cost.

Auctie's for a well-executed guardianship

As a licensed auctioneer, Auctie's offers a guarantee of reliability, responsiveness, neutrality and professionalism in the execution of guardianship tasks. By choosing Auctie's, you are opting for a trusted partner who will work in symbiosis with court-appointed representatives to ensure the best possible protection for protected adults.


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