Save 5% on taxes and inheritance tax with a certified inventory

Estate inventory

If you're concerned about inheritance tax, you've come to the right place. Did you know that a furniture inventory carried out by a certified auctioneer could save you up to 5% on your tax and inheritance tax base? It's an often overlooked but incredibly effective strategy.

Reminder of French regulations for calculating inheritance tax and Inventaire Mobilier

In France, inheritance tax is calculated on the basis of the net value of the entire estate. This includes real estate, financial assets and personal property (furniture, works of art, etc.). French law also allows for a "forfait mobilier", generally representing 5% of the total estate, to cover the value of movable assets. But what if your personal property is actually worth less than this percentage? This is where the inventory of movable property, carried out by an auctioneer, the only professional authorized to do so, comes into play.

The advantages of having your furniture inventoried by an Auctioneer

When a furniture inventory is carried out by a state-approved auctioneer, it provides a reliable and accurate assessment of the value of your household goods. This figure can often be lower than the standard 5% furniture lump sum. So, by opting for this detailed valuation, you only pay duty on the actual value of your goods, which can save you up to 5%.

What's more, this valuation has the advantage of providing you with a detailed, quantified list of your possessions, which can be beneficial for other purposes such as insurance, selling property or sharing between heirs.

The Advantage of a Reliable, Neutral and Tax-Exempt Inventory

Opting for a furniture inventory carried out by a certified auctioneer guarantees a reliable, neutral document that is unassailable for tax purposes. In this way, you'll be protected from any subsequent disputes or tax audits concerning the declared value of your moveable assets. In short, you'll save money and enjoy complete peace of mind.

The Classic Role of the Auctioneer in Estates

Usually, an auctioneer is called in to appraise the assets of an estate. These professionals are trained to value everything from furniture and jewelry to works of art and collectibles. Their expertise ensures that the total value of the assets is accurately estimated, which is essential for calculating inheritance tax.

Beyond Reviews: Discovering the Nugget

But an auctioneer's expertise goes beyond standard valuations. These experts have a trained eye for spotting objects that could be of great value on the art or antiques market. Whether it's a first edition of a book, a little-known work of art, or even an antique piece of furniture, an auctioneer can identify those "nuggets" that could easily be overlooked.

True Tales of Found Treasures

There are many examples where seemingly ordinary objects have turned out to be extremely valuable. For example, an old clock that has hung in the living room for years turns out to be a piece of 18th-century art, or a painting bought at a garage sale turns out to be the work of a renowned artist. An auctioneer knows where to look and what to look for, making every inventory a real treasure hunt.

The Importance of Expertise

The value of an object lies not only in its appearance, but often in its history, craftsmanship or cultural significance. An auctioneer has the knowledge to evaluate these factors, and can help you uncover valuable objects that were previously overlooked. This can not only increase the total value of the estate, but also turn a sentimental object into a genuine financial opportunity.

Why Make an In-Home Inventory Appointment Today?

  1. Tax and duty savings: Reduce your inheritance tax by paying only what is actually due.

  2. Peace of mind: Make sure you're fully compliant with tax laws.

  3. Real Value: Get a fair and accurate appraisal of your moveable assets.

  4. Ease and comfort: An auctioneer comes to your home to appraise your property.

Don't miss the opportunity to make significant savings on your estate taxes and duties. A certified furniture inventory conducted by a licensed auctioneer is the key to saving up to 5% on your estate taxes. Schedule an in-home inventory today and invest in peace of mind and tax savings.


Secure site, anonymity preserved


State-approved auctioneer and expert


Free, certified estimates