Your auctioneer in Gien appraises your jewelry, gold and other objects free of charge.

Get an objective appraisal of your gold, jewelry and objects
Obtenez gratuitement la vraie valeur de votre or, vos bijoux, vos objets par nos commissaires-priseurs agréés par l'Etat. Une expertise reconnue par l'Etat délivrée sur photo, ou à votre domicile.
Your objects may be more valuable than you think. To be sure, have them appraised free of charge by Auctie's. Free and confidential appraisals.
Response in less than 24h
Other types of objects for free valuation in Gien
Jewelry and gold: rings, necklaces, bracelets, watches, gems of all kinds
Asian art: bronzes, vases, furniture, prints, watercolors, display objects
Historical souvenirs: military medals and decorations, military accessories...
Sculptures : bronze and marble sculptures,
Tableware: full or partial service, silverware,
Classical paintings and drawings from the 16th to the 18th century
Modern paintings and drawings from 1850 to 1950
Design & antique furniture
Why get a free appraisal in Gien?
Calling on Auctie's auctioneers to appraise your objects offers a number of advantages, including a free appraisal day organized at the Auchan hypermarket in Gien (45).
First and foremost, auctioneers are qualified experts experienced in the appraisal of valuable objects. Their expertise enables them to accurately identify the characteristics, authenticity and market value of the items presented. By turning to a professional, you benefit from a reliable, objective appraisal.
What's more, the free appraisal day offers a unique opportunity to discover the value of one's possessions, without obligation or additional cost. This enables owners to get to know their objects better, and to make informed decisions about preserving, selling or insuring them.
Last but not least, this initiative within a hypermarket facilitates access to expertise for a wide public, without the need for prior appointment or additional costs. It couldn't be simpler! When you go shopping, you simply place a few items in your car for which you'd like an estimate, drop them off while you're shopping, and pick up the estimates on your return.
In short, the benefits of calling on an auctioneer for a free appraisal day at the Auchan hypermarket in Gien lie in the possibility of obtaining an accurate estimate, making informed decisions about your art and collectibles, and benefiting from a free professional service, accessible to all.
Secure site, anonymity preserved
State-approved auctioneer and expert
Free, certified estimates