Rating and value of works, paintings, drawings by George Mathieu
French painter George Mathieu (1921-2012) is considered the pioneer of lyrical abstraction.
If you own a work by or based on the artist George Mathieu and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers can help you. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its value on the current market. Then, if you wish to sell your work of art, we will guide you towards the best possible means of obtaining the best possible price.
Artist's rating and value
Considered the leader of lyrical abstraction, Georges Mathieu exhibited widely during his lifetime. As a result, he already enjoyed a certain notoriety and presence on the art market. Today, his value continues to rise, and the artist has established himself as a sure bet on the art market. A work by Mathieu can fetch millions of euros at auction, as demonstrated by his painting Tuz Gölü, which sold for €1,666,170 at Sotheby's in 2021.
Order of value from the most basic to the most prestigious
Technique used | Results |
From €5 to €2,800 | |
Drawing - watercolor | From €60 to €47,218 |
Sculpture - volume | From €10 to €5,800 |
Paint | From €300 to €1,666,170 |
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Georges Matthieu, master of lyrical abstraction
Georges Mathieu was born in Boulogne-sur-Mer on January 27, 1921. Initially a law and philosophy student, he turned to the visual arts in 1942.
After teaching for a few years, George Mathieu devoted himself entirely to painting. He presented his works at the Salon des réalités nouvelles, where the texture of the paints was obtained by using the material directly from the tubes or by crushing it with his finger.
Georges Mathieu began exhibiting in the United States and Japan in the 1950s. Considered a leader of lyrical abstraction, he painted in public, emphasizing the spontaneity of the painter's gesture. He collaborated with the Manufacture de Sèvres between 1968 and 1969, and became a member of the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1975.
His artistic identity is of course unique, but his intellectual approach is similar to that of artists such as Olivier Debré.
Some of his works are monumental. He creates doors and sculptures that lead to a more decorative style.
The artist's works and style
Georges Mathieu's works are abstract and highly expressive. Known for his spontaneous technique, Mathieu often used broad brushes and spatulas to create abstract forms. The artist also incorporated calligraphic elements into his work, recognizable by lines and shapes similar to script.
Strongly influenced by his taste for philosophy, music and literature, Mathieu sought to express his emotions through his paintings. He captured energy and movement, and depaginated them in his compositions. Often considered expressive and dynamic, his work bears witness to a great sense of spontaneity.
His signature
Although there are variations, here is a first example of its signature:
Our team will be happy to help you identify your artwork.
Appraising your property
If you own a work by Georges Mathieu, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal by filling in our online form. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you to provide an estimate of the market value of your work.
If you are considering selling your work, our specialists will also guide you through the various alternatives available to obtain the best possible price, taking into account market trends and the specific features of each work.
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