Rating and value of works, paintings and drawings by Henri Epstein
Henri Epstein (1891-1944) was a French painter from La Ruche, Paris. Epstein was part of the Expressionist movement, using the new color theories that were revolutionizing the art world at the time.
If you own a work of art by or based on the work of Henri Epstein and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers can help you. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its value on the current market. Then, if you wish to sell your work of art, we will guide you towards the best possible means of obtaining the best possible price.
Cote et valeur de l'artiste Henri Epstein
A major artist of the École de Paris, Henri Epstein has established himself as one of the art market's leading names. Highly prized by collectors, Epstein's works remain highly prized on the auction market. A work signed by him can fetch tens of thousands of euros. His oil on canvas Scène de café sold for €45,000 in 2018.
Order of value from the most basic to the most prestigious
Technique used | Results |
Drawings - watercolor | From €40 to €5,000 |
Paint | From €800 to €45,000 |
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The life of Henri Epstein
Henri Epstein was born in Poland in 1891. After his father's death, his mother encouraged him to continue drawing, until he entered the Munich School of Fine Arts.
In 1913, Epstein joined La Ruche in Paris, where he rubbed shoulders with many artists. A place of artistic creation, Epstein produced a great deal. His works have similarities with those ofEugène Leroy.
During the Occupation, Henri Epstein was arrested by the Gestapo. Initially interned at Drancy, the artist was transferred to Auschwitz, where he died in 1944.
The works and style of Henri Epstein
Henri Epstein's works are varied. The artist uses drawing, watercolor and charcoal. His style is all his own, creating a kind of blur and sometimes indefinite shapes. Her paintings reflect everyday life. Inspired by simple subjects, Epstein depicts Parisian scenes, landscapes and portraits.
Henri Epstein developed his artistic identity in France. He began by following the Fauvist movement, which advocated the use of bright colors and figurative representations. However, he soon turned to Expressionism, seeking to represent emotions in a more marked way. His work is characterized by the use of pure colors and vivid strokes to create graphic, dynamic works that emphasize movement.
In Paris, Epstein met Impressionists and other influential artists such as Modigliani and Soutine, also from the La Ruche community. Together, they participated in the first Paris School. This movement included many foreign artists who had emigrated to France, such as Chagall and Kisling from Russia, Picasso from Spain, Modigliani from Italy, and Foujita from Japan.
The École de Paris was a point of reference for many Jewish artists who had fled Eastern European countries such as Bulgaria, Russia and Poland.
His signature
Henri Epstein's works are not all signed.
Although there are variations, here is a first example of its signature:
Our team will be happy to help you identify your property.
Appraising your property
If you own a work by Henri Epstein, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal by filling in our online form. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you to provide an estimate of the market value of your Esptein work.
If you are considering selling your work, our specialists will also guide you through the various alternatives available to obtain the best possible price, taking into account market trends and the specific features of each work.
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