Rating and value of works, paintings, drawings by Véra Pagava
Georgian-born painter Véra Pagava (1907-1988), a member of the New Pairs School, is known for her demanding, personal style. Initially a figurative artist, Véra Pagava gradually turned to abstraction, which she herself defined as "the absolute search for the pictorial transposition of light".
If you own a work by or based on the work of artist Véra Pagava and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers will be happy to advise you. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its value on the current market. Then, if you wish to sell your work of art, we will guide you towards the best possible means of obtaining the best possible price.
Cote et valeur de l'artiste Véra Pagava
Véra Pagava is a well-known artist among contemporary art lovers. Today, the prices of her works are rising under the auctioneer's hammer. Her oils on canvas are particularly prized, especially by French buyers, and the price at which they sell on the art market ranges from €90 to €40,000, a significant delta but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to the artist's works. In 2023, his oil on panel Ville provinciale sold for €40,000, whereas it was estimated at between €5,000 and €8,000. His value is rising sharply.
Order of value from the most basic to the most prestigious
Technique used | Results |
Print - multiple | From €150 to €800 |
Drawing - watercolor | From €90 to €2,900 |
Oil on canvas | From €350 to €40,000 |
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Artist's style and technique
Véra Pagava's works are distinguished by their unique, personal style and bold use of color. The artist develops her own pictorial language, combining surreal and abstract elements with organic and geometric forms, while retaining a certain suggestion of reality.
Uncommon but appreciated in auction rooms, Véra Pagava's works are skyrocketing in value. Some of her paintings sell for tens of thousands of euros.
The life of Vera Pagava
Véra Pagava was born into a middle-class Georgian family in 1907. Her uncle, who was close to a number of influential Georgian artists, imbued her with an artistic culture, and she soon developed a passion for art. After an initial exile in Germany following the arrival of the Red Army, the Pagava family joined the Georgian community in exile in France and settled in Montrouge.
On her arrival in France at the age of 16, Véra entered the preparatory school for the Arts Décoratifs and then the School of Arts and Advertising in Paris. There, she learned the techniques of woodcutting, linocutting and sketching. A promising student, Véra Pagava joined Roger Bissière's studio at theAcadémie Ranson in 1932. This apprenticeship enabled her to study painting, fresco art and human morphology in great detail.
A few years later, Véra Pagava received her first commissions and took part in the "Témoignage" group exhibitions initiated by Marcel Michaud. Her painted fabrics were well received. For several years, the artist worked for a draper in Lyon.
During the Second World War, Véra Pagava joined the Red Cross as a nurse. In 1943, she met the visionary gallery owner Jeanne Bucher. This meeting was to prove decisive for the artist's career. The two women worked together until the 1960s. At the end of the war, Véra Pagava regularly took part in the Salon des Surindépendants in Paris.
After several influential encounters, Véra Pagava's style gradually moved towards abstraction. The artist discovered a real sense of freedom in this new movement and officially adopted it in the 60s.
From the 1970s until her death in 1988, the artist carried out numerous major commissions and collaborated with a wide range of artists. Appreciated throughout her career but little recognized by her contemporaries, Véra Pagava was an important artist of her century, leaving an influential mark on the history of art.
His signature
Not all of Véra Pagava's works are signed.
Although there are variations, here is a first example of its signature:
Appraising your property
If you own a work by Véra Pagava, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal by filling in our online form. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you to provide an estimate of the market value of your Véra Pagava work.
If you are considering selling your work, our specialists will also guide you through the various alternatives available to obtain the best possible price, taking into account market trends and the specific features of each work.
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