Rating and value of works, paintings, drawings by Othon Friesz

Othon Friesz, oil on canvas

If you own a work by or after the artist Othon Friesz, and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers will offer you their appraisal services. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its current market value. Then, if you wish to sell your work, we'll guide you towards the best possible arrangement to obtain the optimum price.   

Rating and value of the artist Othon Friesz       

A major Post-Impressionist painter of his time, Friesz left behind an artistic identity of his own. This legacy consists mainly of drawings and paintings. Today, prices for his works are rising under auctioneers' hammers, and his stock is on the rise. His canvases and other works are particularly prized, especially by French, English and American buyers, and the price at which they sell on the art market ranges from €10 to €1,698,665, a considerable delta but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to Friesz's works. In 2016, an oil on canvas entitled Trees, Autumn, dating from 1906 sold for €835,290, whereas it was estimated at between €649,670 and €928,100.

Order of value from a simple work to the most prestigious 

Technique used


Drawing - watercolor

From €25 to €80,035


From €10 to €800

Oil on canvas

From €120 to €1,698,665

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Style and technique of the artist Othon Friesz      

Othon Friesz is part of the Post-Impressionist movement. He was influenced in particular by Van Gogh and Georges Braque. His canvases are rather colorful. He was also a representative of Fauvism. He produced many drawings and oil paintings, and his work spanned the 20th century. He was a precursor of the artistic evolution of his time.

Othon Friesz, a great figure of the 20th century   

Achille Émile Othon Friesz (1879-1949) was a 20th-century French painter. Born in Le Havre, his father was a captain.

He studies with Braque and Raoul Dufy at the École des Beaux-Arts in Le Havre. Thanks to a scholarship, he leaves to study at the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He studied under Léon Bonnat. He spends a great deal of time at the Louvre, where he considers himself a self-taught artist. He became interested in Impressionism, especially Gauguin and Van Gogh, and exhibited a number of Impressionist canvases at the Salon d'Automne. With another group of painters, including Vlaminck, he developed a new pictorial movement: Fauvism. He was one of its main representatives, sometimes forgotten. He met Georges Braque and traveled with him to find inspiration. He moved away from the beginnings of Cubism initiated by his friend and Picasso, and turned towards more naturalism, in agreement with Paul Cézanne.

In 1921, he began teaching drawing at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. He produced many drawings and engravings, as well as oils and gouache on canvas. He opens his own studio on rue Notre-Dame des Champs.

A notorious intellectual of his time, he played himself in Sacha Guitry's Donne-moi tes yeux.

During the Occupation, he was forbidden to exhibit following the occupation by the national group for the purification of painters.

He died in his studio in 1949. 

Othon Friesz's influence on his time

Othon Friesz is a precursor and a major figure in twentieth-century art. An eminent member of the Fauvist group, he left a considerable imprint on the generation of artists that followed him, teaching drawing at the Académie de la Grande Chaumière. 

Today, his works are still successful at auction. Although some of his works are held in museums in the USA and Europe, private collectors play a major role in preserving his work.

Recognizing the artist's signature 

Othon Friesz sometimes signs his works, usually at the bottom of the painting, in a color that sometimes contrasts with the background. However, some copies do exist, which is why expertise is essential.

Signature of Othon Friesz

Knowing the value of a work 

If you happen to own a work by or after Othon Friesz, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal using the form on our website. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you promptly to provide you with an estimate of the market value of your work, as well as any relevant information about it. If you're thinking of selling your work, our specialists will also be on hand to offer you alternatives for selling it at the best possible price, taking into account market trends.  

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