Rating and value of works, fashion drawings by Georges Lepape

Georges Lepape drawing

If you own a work by Georges Lepape, and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers will offer you their appraisal services. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its current market value. Then, if you wish to sell your property, we will guide you towards the best possible means of obtaining the optimum price. The price of a fashion design can vary according to the year, the collection concerned, or the creation in question.

Rating and value of a work by Georges Lepape  

Georges Lepape's drawings and works are haute couture treasures and objets d'art that bear witness to the designer's talent and the history of fashion. The price at which they sell on the art and auction markets ranges from €10 to €65,000, a considerable delta but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to your drawings. In 2023, an ink drawing entitled Femme à la broche dating from 1923 sold for €65,000, exceeding the high estimate by 2,250%.

Order of value from classic to most popular design

Technique used


Print - multiple

From €10 to €9,000


From €190 to €23,480

Drawing - watercolor

From €30 to €65,000

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Reasons to sell a fashion design or creation by Georges Lepape   

A fashion drawing is a testimony to the history of a fashion house, and is part of the evolution of stylistic creation. They are rare pieces, at the origin of collections that have often marked the history of fashion. For a couturier, the drawing is often the starting point of the creation; the artist's vision is put down on paper for the first time. It allows the genius to take shape and be visualized, so that the garment can be born. These works in their own right are highly prized at auction and sought after by many collectors.

Bottle-holder after a design by Georges Lepape

Georges Lepape or illustrated elegance  

Georges Lepape (1887 - 1971) was a painter, fashion designer and illustrator.

He studied at the Académie Humbert and exhibited a few works at the Salon d'Automne in 1910. There he met Paul Poiret and illustrated Les Choses de Paul Poiret vues par Georges Lepape for him. He also illustrated the first issues of Galerie du bon ton, and collaborated with various magazines: Harper's Bazaar, Vanity Fair, Femina and Vogue France.

He is influenced by orientalism and Russian aesthetics. His creations are stylistically very similar to those of the designer Erté. Like Georges Barbier, he also designed theater posters. This aspect of his career was to occupy him more after the war, and he produced many advertising and editorial posters, for Sacha Guitry for example. However, he continued to work for the fashion press, designing the poster for the Vogue exhibition Georges Lepape ou l'élégance illustrée.

Georges Lepape's imprint on fashion history

Georges Lepape leaves a colossal legacy in fashion history. He had a considerable influence on the fashion press of the 20th century.

Georges Lepape, poster for the Vogue France exhibition

The success of Georges Lepape's works at auction

In recent years, haute couture has experienced a golden age it has rarely known. Georges Barbier's designs are particularly representative of this appeal. World-famous today, he exerted a considerable influence on twentieth-century fashion. The artist's hand-drawn designs bear witness to his unique stylistic identity and elegance, and allow fashion enthusiasts and collectors to plunge once again into the refined, elegant world of the French designer.

Recognizing an original fashion design

A fashion drawing is a work of art in its own right. Some of them are signed, making it possible to identify the designer. It is also possible to identify an original by comparison with the designer's other productions.

Know the value of your design

If you happen to own a work by Georges Lepape, or think you might, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal using the form on our website. A member of our team of experts and chartered auctioneers will contact you promptly with an estimate of your bag's market value, and will provide you with all the relevant information. If you wish to sell your bag, our specialists will also be on hand to offer you alternatives for selling it at the best possible price, taking into account market trends.

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