Cote et valeur 2024 des bronzes, sculptures de Georges Malissard

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Cote et valeur de l'artiste Georges Malissard
Considered an important artist in animal sculpture, Georges Malissard leaves behind a unique artistic repertoire, in which works in bronze occupy a prominent place. Today, prices for his works are rising dramatically under auctioneers' gavels. His creations are particularly sought-after, with prices on the art market ranging from €30 to €59,300 - a considerable range, but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to Malissard's works. In 2006, a bronze statue, Joueur de polo, sold for €59,300, whereas it was estimated at between €14,820 and €22,240.
Order of value from a simple work to the most prestigious
Technique used | Results |
Black stone | From €370 to €6,400 |
Bronze | From €30 to €59,300 |
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Artist's style and technique
Georges Malissard is a 20th-century artist who produced a number of sculptures from the animal repertoire. He worked mainly in bronze, sculpting horses and equestrian portraits, but also in black stone - which offers a smooth, clear finish.

Georges Malissard, his life and work
Georges Malissard (1877-1942), a French artist, became an important sculptor of the 20th century, best known for his work with equestrian models.
Born in the north of France, he was very interested in horses. It was thanks to Emmanuel Frémiet that he turned to sculpture.
He exhibited for the first time at the Salon des Artistes Français in 1908, which led to a commission from Kaiser Wilhelm II. After setting up his studio in Paris, he was commissioned by a number of prominent figures to sculpt equestrian portraits. These included Maréchal Foch and Maréchal Lyautey.
He occasionally sculpted other animals, but his work focused mainly on the equestrian portraits for which he was renowned. He exhibited at the Royal Academy in London. Malissard thus gained legitimacy with all the sovereigns of Europe, who commissioned works from him, and received the title of "statuary", which at the time signified recognition of his talent.
Georges Malissard's imprint on his period
Georges Malissard is an artist well known to Russian sculpture and painting enthusiasts, and the author of a sizeable artistic output. Today, most of his works are held by private collectors, increasing their value and success on the auction market.
His bronze sculptures are particularly prized, as they are absolutely unique pieces that reveal the artist's inspiration and way of working, but his paintings are just as famous and prized, and are constantly breaking records on the auction market.
Recognizing Georges Malissard's signature
It's not always easy to decipher, or even to be lucky enough to come across a piece signed by Malissard, which is why expertise is so important.

Knowing the value of a work
If you happen to own a work by Georges Malissard, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal using the form on our website. A member of our team will contact you promptly to provide you with an estimate of the value of your work, as well as any relevant information about it. If you're thinking of selling your work, our specialists will also be on hand to help you find alternatives for selling it at the best possible price.
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