The value of a painting by Berthe or Edma Morisot

Oil on canvas after one of the Morisot sisters

This week, our experts received a request for an estimate on a painting by Morisot. Here's how. 

Behind thispretty , spring-tonedpond landscape from the second half of the 19th century lies a signature that would make any auctioneer or expert swoon: Morisot

Berthe Morisot, an Impressionist artist

Indeed, if the names Renoir, Manet, Monet or Pissarro ring a bell, you should know that in the circle of Impressionist painting, women - too often forgotten - often played a founding role. Such is the case of Mary Cassatt, an American artist, but also Berthe Morisot, whose works sometimes fetch several million euros under the auctioneer's hammer.

Berthe Morisot, born in 1841 in Bourges, France, was a remarkable painter who left her mark on art history. She is considered one of the leading exponents of Impressionism, a revolutionary movement of the 19th century. Morisot was one of the few women of her time to make her mark in an artistic field largely dominated by men.

What is the value of Berthe Morisot's work?

Morisot was one of the few women of her time to make her mark in an artistic field largely dominated by men. Her distinctive style is characterized by delicate brushstrokes, luminous colors and a particular attention to the play of light. Her favorite subjects were often scenes of daily life, intimate portraits and outdoor landscapes. Berthe Morisot played an essential role in the recognition and legitimization of women artists, leaving a lasting artistic legacy that continues to inspire and fascinate art lovers the world over. Today, her works can be found on the art market at prices that can be quite surprising.

Type of work

Price range

Watercolor or gouache

20.000€ - 7.500.000€

Etching or drawing

150€ - 50.000€

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Works by the Morisot sisters: Berthe, Edma...

Unfortunately, the work is sometimes not signed by Berthe Morisot herself, but by her older sister, Edma , who does not have the same market value as her sister. The Morisot sisters were born in nineteenth-century France, where certain ideas about female education were beginning to emerge. By 1850, 2/3 of French girls had the right to attend elementary school, but unfortunately only to learn the rudiments needed to run a successful household: how to do some sums, how to read and write, and above all how to do housework and bring up children.

Edma Morisot, also a talented artist, was active during the Impressionist period and took part in several exhibitions alongside her sister and other renowned Impressionist artists. Her paintings were often portraits and scenes of everyday life, with a style similar to Berthe's. However, unlike Berthe, Edma chose to end her artistic career after her marriage in 1894, which limited recognition of her work.

Her paintings were often portraits and scenes of daily life, with a style similar to Berthe's. However, unlike Berthe, Edma chose to end her artistic career after her marriage in 1894, which limited recognition of her work.

A signed work by Edma Morisot could be estimated at 500 to 800 euros, subject to a nice surprise, as auction results sometimes exceed 2 to 3,000 euros.

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