Rating and value of paintings by Louis Van Engelen

Louis Van Engelen, oil on canvas

If you own a work by or after the artist Louis Van Engelen, and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers will offer you their appraisal services. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its current market value. Then, if you wish to sell your work, we'll guide you towards the best possible arrangement to obtain the optimum price.  

Rating and artist's value Louis Van Engelen   

Considered a neoclassical painter in his own right in his own time, Louis Van Engelen left behind an artistic identity of his own. This legacy consists mainly of paintings. Today, prices for his works are rising under the auctioneer's hammer, and his stock is stable. His canvases and other works are particularly prized, especially by Belgian buyers, and the price at which they sell on the art market ranges from €10 to €111,170, a considerable delta but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to Van Engelen's works. In 2019, an oil on canvas entitled Le café belvédère, Antwerp, dating from 1887 sold for €111,170, whereas it was estimated at between €111,170 and €166,760. 

Order of value from a simple work to the most prestigious 

Technique used


Print - multiple

From €10 to €20

Drawing - watercolor

From €20 to €990

Oil on canvas

From €50 to €111,170

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Style and technique of artist Louis Van Engelen

Louis Van Engelen was part of the neoclassical movement of the 19th century. He painted portraits, genre scenes and history paintings, following academic canons and drawing inspiration from Flemish art history. He produced mainly oils on canvas.   

Louis Van Engelen, forgotten Flemish painter  

Louis Van Engelen (1856-1940) was a Belgian painter of genre scenes, history and portraits.

He was born in Lierre and studied at the Lierre Academy, where he was a pupil of Verlat. He works between Lierre and Antwerp, and is a member of the Als Ik kan group - meaning "if I want".

In 1883, the Union Artistique des Jeunes Artistes Anversois was founded in Antwerp - he founded a movement with the dissidents of this first group, which he called XIII, giving them an organization and a structure for exhibiting their work.

His most popular and highly-rated works include genre scenes depicting Antwerp life, and landscape paintings with Mannerist overtones. 

Louis Van Engelen's imprint on his era

Louis Van Engelen didn't make much of a mark on his era, but his work remains interesting today and highly prized by some collectors.

Today, his works are appreciated by collectors who play a major role in preserving his work, even if some paintings are exhibited in museums.

Recognizing the artist's signature

Louis Van Engelen sometimes signs his works, usually at the bottom of the painting, in a color that contrasts with the background.

Louis Van Engelen's signature

Knowing the value of a work 

If you happen to own a work by or after Louis Van Engelen, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal using the form on our website. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you promptly to provide you with an estimate of the market value of your work, as well as ad hoc information about it. If you're thinking of selling your work, our specialists will also be on hand to offer you alternatives for selling it at the best possible price, taking into account market trends.  

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