Rating and value of paintings by Charles Olivier de Penne

De Penne, oil on canvas

If you own a work by the artist Charles Olivier de Penne, or one based on his work, and would like to know its value, our state-approved experts and auctioneers can advise you. Our specialists will carry out a free appraisal of your work, and provide you with a precise estimate of its value on the current market. Then, if you wish to sell your work of art, we will guide you towards the best possible means of obtaining the best possible price.

Artist's rating and value

A landscape painter of the Fontainebleau school, de Penne is making a name for himself on the art market. The prices his works fetch under the auctioneer's hammer range from €20 to €70,000, a considerable difference, but one that speaks volumes about the value that can be attributed to the works of C-O de Penne. His oil on panel Chien de relais de la vénerie impériale was sold for €70,000, whereas it was estimated at between €4,000 and €5,000. 

Order of value from simplest to most prestigious work

Technique used


Print - multiple

From €20 to €3,200

Drawing - watercolor

From €70 to €32,000

Oil on canvas

From €350 to €70,000

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Artist's style and technique

Charles Olivier de Penne is a painter belonging to the Barbizon School, a group of painters active in 19th-century France who produced landscape paintings. He followed the teachings of Léon Coignet and produced many works inspired by hunting.

De Penne, oil on canvas

Charles Olivier de Penne, forgotten painter of the 19th century

Charles Olivier de Penne (1831-1897) was a French painter of landscape paintings, associated with the Barbizon School. He was born in Marlotte, Seine-et-Marne.

In 1849, he entered the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris, where he studied in the studio of Léon Cogniet. Cogniet trained him in the composition and technique of history painting. He went on to produce a number of these, although the bulk of his work remained hunting scenes. De Penne made a name for himself at the 1855 Exposition Universelle, where he exhibited the critically acclaimed painting Deux mille ans (Two Thousand Years). He subsequently exhibited at the Salon and received a number of commissions. He received several awards for his work.

De Penne died in his home town in 1897.

Charles Olivier de Penne's influence on his era

De Penne succeeded in creating a unique painting style that reflected the energy of his time, and made unrestrained use of contrasts of form and color, the keystone of his artistic style and the hallmark of the Barbizon school.

He was a painter of hunting scenes who was fairly well known during his lifetime, but has since been forgotten and is still of great interest to collectors. 

His signature

Although there are variations, here is a first example of its signature:

Signature of Charles Olivier De Penne

Appraising your property

If you happen to own a work by or after Charles Olivier de Penne, don't hesitate to request a free appraisal by filling in our form on our website. A member of our team of experts and certified auctioneers will contact you promptly to provide you with an estimate of the value of your work, and will ensure that you receive all the relevant information about it. If you're thinking of selling your work, our specialists will also be on hand to offer you alternatives for selling it at the best possible price, taking into account market trends and specificities.

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